The main aim of the development was maximal suppression of all non-harmonic distortions of music signal. These distortions are typical mainly for transistor amplifiers and they have the greatest negative influence on naturalness of music signal. They can´t be seen from standard measured parameters because they come to existence through unstable linearity of the amp which changes according to momentary process conditions. They implicate aggressiveness, synthetic sound and sound blending. That´s why there are still lots of fans of tube amps which can be good in some aspects but on the other hand they have other probably unsolvable disadvantages.
Other problems are dynamics and perfect depths of focus of the signal in the whole audio frequency range. Managing this problem demands use of our SIL technology. Using of another construction leads, according to audio tests, either to emerging of unnatural non-harmonic distortions or sound of instruments or voice has poorer colour palette, details are missing, which implicates lower level of emotional perception.
Our SIL technology is a specific combination of material, spatial and circuit solution of amp stages using the newest sorts of transistors. When thinking of circuits an extra topology is in question which holds good linearity of audio signals without using standard whole feedbacks. The Linearity is ensured by complicated handling of working conditions of each signal transistor so that it only uses the linear part of its working characteristics. Resting non-linearity is compensated by addition with mirror-inverted non-linearity. The result is that they annul each other.
The most important advantage of this SIL ( STABLE * IMMUNE * LINEARITY ) is above all the stable amp Linearity. It is absolutely Stable and Immune against outer and inner influences. The amp distortion does not change according signal complicacy, it does not even react to high frequency disturbance nor to disturbance coming through power supply, nor to impedance and complicacy of loudspeakers, nor to momentary loudness of playback. These are unusual characteristics, which bring about unbelievable sound experience in the outcome. Having experienced this technology for a longer time, no comeback is possible. Euphoria from this new quality does not devaluate, on the contrary it rises step by step because the listener discovers more and more benefits by this technology. The Music will never cease to entertain you.